I am currently a part-time Year 1 MPH student in the concentration of Public Health Practice. I am a registered nurse and develop my interest in studying public health issues from my nursing study and ongoing clinical experience.
I applied for MPH because I would like to prepare myself with a leadership role in advocating and improving community health of Hong Kong with different parties. Equipping myself with the principles of public health, I therefore could point out the social problems and propose evidence-based interventions effectively towards a sustainable health system. Therefore, I am grateful to be granted the UGC Targeted TPg Programmes Fellowship. This valuable recognition allows me to become a more confident healthcare practitioner, putting public health in action with competence.
This MPH journey is challenging but informative. We are always given great opportunities to exchange public health ideas with internationally renowned experts and classmates from different cultural backgrounds and professional fields. Discovering the unfamiliar aspect of the field of practice, my critical thinking ability is consolidated. This helps me to address social health issues from multi-dimensional angles.
In order to bridge theory and practice, I would take steps to make a network with the community through practicums in public health agencies and non-governmental organizations. I would like to give back to the society by blending my clinical experience and translating outreach ideas in practical with the public health knowledge gained in MPH program. I hope I may spur an improvement in the health care system of Hong Kong, and hence build a healthier living and caring environment.
