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Student Voice - Vincent Chan

My name is Vincent. Protecting the health of community has always been my greatest wish and aspiration. I have been trying very hard to equip myself with healthcare related knowledge and skills, with a view to serving the public. In 2018, I obtained my nursing degree, and then I worked as a registered nurse in a public hospital in Hong Kong till now. Currently, I am taking the MPH program as a part-time student in the HEPM concentration.

After working for two years, I could really feel that our healthcare system is overloaded. High bed occupancy, long service waiting time, healthcare staff shortage and high patient-to-nurse ratio are commonly seen among public hospitals, and they are threatening the quality and safety of the healthcare services our citizens are receiving. As a healthcare professional, I really want to do something about it and I know the root causes underneath the overloaded healthcare system are very complex. Therefore, I wish to acquire myself with more public health knowledge, particularly regarding the healthcare system, so that in the future I could contribute in shaping a better healthcare system, so as to promote the health of the community.

I feel really grateful for being granted the UCG fellowship. Without the fellowship, I could probably not take the MPH program. So far, I do enjoy studying MPH in HKU, and it is a wonderful learning experience. I have come across classmates from diverse backgrounds (physicians, nurses, engineer, dietitians and etc.) and we share and learn from each other’s expertise, and it makes my learning journey more fruitful.

Frankly speaking, I have not decided what to do next upon graduating from the MPH, but I am pretty sure I would like to make some contribution in the field of public health in the future.

Once again, I would like express my gratitude to HKU and UGC for granting me the fellowship.

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