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Student Voice - Leung Ka Yan


Hi there, I am May, a year 1 part time student in MPH!

We often think of health as a self-centric phenomenon that begins and ends with "me", but as we explore more, our personal health is just one plot line in the complicated story of evolving research and policies that make up the world of public health. As a graduate of Food and Nutritional Sciences from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I am obsessed with preventive medicine. The grueling time during 2019-2022 inspired me with the idea of pursuing the study of a wider range of vision in preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health at a population level.

After graduation I have been working in health care centers as a nutritionist for years. Then I joined the Centre for Food Safety as a health inspector. Although both jobs' ultimate goal is the same - protect the health of people, yet they are working on totally different levels, from individual to legal aspects. However, instead of just executing the law, I strive to contribute to global change as a professional.

The other iconic identity I am aware of is being a diplomatic spouse. It is anticipated that I will be based in different countries in the later part of my life, joining worldwide organization with the team including public health experts from different parts of the world working together to respond to world health emergencies, prevent diseases and promote human well-being is an honor to help write the cheat code to improve the world while living the roaming life in different parts of the world.

I am honoured to be one of the awardees of the UGC Targeted TPg Programmes Fellowships. As a working student, the scholarship has helped me pursue the MPH program while being able to fulfil my other financial obligations. Thanks to this scholarship, I am able to focus more time and effort on the MPH program and do better as a student. Meeting the amazing classmates and teaching teams is one of the best parts so far. As getting insights and learning from everyone with diverse backgrounds help me grow beyond boundaries. The scholarship plays an important role in attracting young professionals to join the MPH program for further studies and contribute to the excellent quality of this program.

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