I’m currently a part-time Year 1 MPH student in the Health Economics, Policy and Management (HEPM) concentration. I have been practising as a registered nurse in the Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care unit soon after I obtained my bachelor’s degree from HKU in 2018.
Having five years of training to be a registered nurse and joining the health care team in a public hospital for three years, I am nurtured and obligated in providing quality health care service in Hong Kong. I have discovered interest in public health, where it is a mix of art and science in promoting health, preventing diseases and improving the quality of life on a large scale and thus I decided to pursue my studies in the MPH.
Amidst the pandemic, I enjoy this journey and it has been one of the best decisions in life. People I have met here are all amazing and with a diverse background. It has been an incredible opportunity to connect with them and learn from them.
Besides, the teaching team is professional and supportive. Not only have I gained knowledge related to study, but also the transferable skills for life.
In pursuing my further studies, I wish to be better equipped to analyse, understand and address present and future public health challenges and to contribute towards the building of ethical and sustainable health systems.