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Student Voice - Cheng Lai Yan Vanessa


Hi there, this is Vanessa. I am currently a part-time year 1 MPH student in Public Health Practice (PHP). I have been working as a registered nurse in a neurology unit since graduating from HKU in 2017.

After 5 years of study in nursing and another 5 years of working in the public sector, I feel that there are a lot of health issues being ignored and unsolved. As the frontline healthcare workers, my colleagues and I have to face the overwhelming workload and provide critical care to the patients every day. I realized that despite the hands-on services from all of the healthcare professionals, the healthcare system needs to be viewed from a macro level, in order to eradicate the root of problem and improve the population's health. However, not many of us are with this insight, including myself. Studying the MPH is the best way for me to get equipped.

Being a part-time MPH student is challenging. I am very honoured to be awarded the UGC Targeted TPg Fellowship. It motivated me a lot by gathering students from various disciplines with the same vision to exchange brilliant ideas and support each other during the pursuit of study. It is my pleasure to meet the fellow classmates, who are genuine yet the elites and experts with different professional backgrounds, which has enriched my social network and delighted my life. I really enjoy the MPH programme, it provided me with great opportunities to explore local health-related topics and engage in international healthcare debates. Through the learning journey of PHP, it helps strengthen my critical thinking and build the acumen towards public health. Not only the theories, teachers put great effort into letting us know how to make a positive influence on public health as a future leader.

MPH definitely broadens my horizons and inspires me thoroughly. I wish to make use of the knowledge and practical skills that I acquire in the programme to develop my career in the government and public sector. I hope in the future, I can have a chance to contribute and give out prospective ideas in policy making, to improve public health and give back to society. After the pandemic, it is never too late to rebuild a safe and healthy community that can bring Hong Kong back to a prosperous city.


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