MPH Orientation Weeks 2021HKU MPHSep 7, 20211 min readWelcome on board🏄🏻♂️ It’s great pleasure to greet our MPH students again f2f. Hope you all enjoy the Programme Induction and the coming activities in the Orientation Weeks😃#backtoschool #newacademicyear #HKU #HKUMed #SPH #publichealth #MPH #香港大學 #港大醫學院 #公共衞生 #公共衞生碩士
Welcome on board🏄🏻♂️ It’s great pleasure to greet our MPH students again f2f. Hope you all enjoy the Programme Induction and the coming activities in the Orientation Weeks😃#backtoschool #newacademicyear #HKU #HKUMed #SPH #publichealth #MPH #香港大學 #港大醫學院 #公共衞生 #公共衞生碩士