1. MPH concentration and expected graduation year Health Economics, Policy and Management, 2018
2. Job title and/or community outreach work involved in
Publication Committee, Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
Committee Member, Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association
Director, Hong Kong Brain Foundation
Senior Manager (Redevelopment Project and Executive Support), Kwong Wah Hospital
3. Tell us your story! How did you become interested in public health, and how does public health relate to your current line of work? I am a psychiatrist by profession. I spent the first five years of my career on mastering psychiatry as a science, and the second five years on understanding psychiatry as a clinical service. Then I became intensely interested in knowing how the entire health care system can be best organized. I hope I may spur improvement in the health care system of Hong Kong by blending my clinical experience with the public health knowledge.
4. How have you applied what you have learned within the MPH program to your line of work?
Do not expect the MPH program will give you a lecture on how the entire health care system can be best organized. However, the MPH program taught me ways to gather the right evidence and develop my own answer. Our health care system definitely needs a diversity of novel and unique ideas from different public health professionals to become a better system.
5. What advice would you give to current MPH students who will be entering the workplace for the first time?
Apply the principles of public health always so that what you have learned can truly become your own views. Be brave to speak up. Point out the problems and propose your solutions. Your pair of fresh eyes will be more valuable to your workplace than you would ever expect.
6. Any other words of wisdom to share?
“Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information.” -Albert Einstein
Know a fellow HKU SPH student or alumni with an interesting story? Let us know! Email Ms Shereen Ayub (sayub1@hku.hk) to nominate your MPH peer for the next 'Meet Our Students and Alumni' blog series.