Control of Infectious Diseases (CID) concentration presents public health practitioners with particular challenges. Infectious disease epidemiology, which is inherently interdisciplinary, has progressed rapidly in recent years to enable those challenges to be met. This concentration allows students to take advantage of recent methodological developments in the fields of descriptive statistics, mathematical modeling and microbiology. Drawing on these disciplines, students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the relationship between key variables associated with the pathology, transmission and control of infectious diseases.
On completion of the MPH programme, students in Control of Infectious Diseases (CID) concentration will be able to:
Synthesise data to describe infectious disease emergence, pathogenesis, burden and identify measures for control
Describe the scientific underpinnings of common infectious diseases that impact population health
Interpret simple analytical models of infectious disease transmission and control
Define, construct and interpret simple mathematical models of infectious disease transmission and control;
Analyse factors contributing to the emergence of novel infectious diseases and of the concept of “One Health”
Evaluate strategies for infectious disease prevention, control and risk communication
All candidates must enrol in: