We are CEPH accredited
The HKU Master of Public Health (MPH) is the first in the region and the only academic programme in Hong Kong fully accredited by the USA’s Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), the longest standing accrediting body of public health schools and programmes in the world.
A CEPH-accredited MPH qualification leads to eligibility to sit for the Certified in Public Health (CPH) exam and obtain the CPH credential. Both the CPH exam and certification are administered by the USA’s National Board of Public Health Examiners.
Why get a degree from a CEPH accredited programme?
In general, there are three major practical implications for students of receiving a public health graduate degree from a CEPH-accredited institution:
Attendance at a CEPH-accredited unit provides a pathway to eligibility to sit for Certified in Public Health (CPH) exam and obtain the CPH credential. The exam and credential are administered by the National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE). NBPHE has also defined other pathways to eligibility that are based on public health work experience. NBPHE is not affiliated with CEPH, and CEPH does not have a formal role in shaping the eligibility or other rules. Visit http://www.nbphe.org/ for additional information.
HKU MPH students and alumni can now receive a $70 discount when they take the Certified in Public Health (CPH) exam.
Some employment is only open to graduates of CEPH-accredited units. The US Public Health Service, some US military public health jobs and some state and local government agencies require that MPH-level jobs be filled with graduates of CEPH-accredited schools and programs. Other employers may express a preference for graduates of CEPH-accredited units. If you have an idea of the area or agency where you would like to work after graduation, you should speak to a human resources officer with specific questions. CEPH is not involved in defining the specific qualifications for employment with any given agency.
Some fellowships are only available to students attending CEPH-accredited schools and programs that are also members of the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH). Not all CEPH-accredited programs are members of ASPPH. Visit http://www.aspph.org for more information.
Attending a CEPH-accredited unit means that you know that your degree program has completed a multi-level review and was found to meet the nationally-agreed-upon standards developed by public health academics and practitioners.
What is CEPH?
CEPH an independent, private, non-profit corporation recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. They are the nationally recognised accrediting body for both school of public health and public health programs, ensuring that they provide rigorous preparation to meet the needs of the profession and the health and safety of society.
For learn more about CEPH, visit here.
Background and Timeline
Effective 3 February 2018, our MPH Programme was an applicant for accreditation with Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). In October 2021, a final self-study was submitted to CEPH. In early November 2021, the School of Public Health host a site visit by CEPH reviewers. CEPH acted to accredit our MPH programme at its Council Meeting in June 2022. The accreditation term is for five years, until 1 July 2027. Our programme’s initial accreditation date was recorded as 13 March 2020.
The HKU Master of Public Health (MPH) is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health as a public health programme. The accreditation applies only to the following degree programme: Master of Public Health Programme at the University of Hong Kong. Accreditation does not apply to the unit as a whole, and other degrees and areas of study offered by this institution are not included in the unit of accreditation review.
Accreditation Process
Each CEPH-accredited school and program goes through a rigorous accreditation process on a regular basis to assure students of a quality educational experience. Accreditation requires that the program be evaluated at least every seven years and that it submits to several reviewing processes to ensure the quality of the program. These processes include a self-evaluation, submitting a self-study and hosting a team of qualified peer reviewers who validate the self-study during an on-site visit to the campus.
Why is CEPH Accreditation Important?
CEPH accreditation is important to public health programs because it ensures that they meet specified criteria and standards for quality education. CEPH accreditation is considered the benchmark of quality in the evaluation of public health programmes, as accreditation ensures that the MPH degree offered from The School of Public Health, HKU provide the highest calibre of education possible, preparing competent public health professionals to enter the field.
What are the Benefits of CEPH Accreditation?
The benefits of CEPH-accredited public health programs extend far and wide
For the public: promotes the health, safety and welfare of society by assuring that MPH graduates at HKU are competent public health professionals
For prospective students: provides assurance that the MPH programme at HKU has been evaluated and has met accepted standards established by and with the public health profession
For graduates: CEPH accreditation promotes professional standard and enhances employment opportunities in positions that base eligibility upon graduation from an accredited programme
For employers: promotes professional competency and enhances opportunities in positions that base eligibility on graduation from an accredited MPH programme
For public health professionals: it involves practitioners in the establishment and assures that educational requirements reflect the current training needs of professions
For public health: it advances the field of public health by promoting standards of practice
For HKU School of Public Health: it ensures the quality of teaching and learning excellence in our MPH Programme
Learn more about the benefits of CEPH Accreditation here.
Reference: CEPH, https://ceph.org/constituents/students/faqs/#2
What other schools and programmes are accredited by CEPH?
A list of accredited Schools and Programmes can be found here: Link to CEPH.
I am a HKU MPH alumni, what does the accreditation mean for graduates?
Our programme’s initial accreditation date was recorded as 13 March 2020 and our accreditation term is for five years, until 1 July 2027. Our programme’s accreditation status is applicable to our HKU MPH Alumni with graduation date post our programme’s initial accreditation date (i.e. graduation date after 13 March 2020).
The official accreditation report and final self-study are available upon request; to obtain copies, please contact the MPH Office (mphsph@hku.hk).